Case Based Therapy

Services & Fees

I offer psychotherapy sessions for individuals, couples, and families. Each session is from 45 to 50 minutes in length. The cost ranges from $150 to $200, depending on the type of session.

Services Offered via Telehealth


Symptoms of depression manifest themselves differently in every individual. Someone may experience intense sadness, while someone else could experience drastic changes in their sleep or eating patterns, and another person could be experiencing increased irritability or lethargy. Other times, we may not even notice the symptoms, but rather others around us notice the change. The on-set for an episode of depression could be sudden (i.e., after a loss or transition), or there could be a long history of symptoms. Regardless of reason, I am here to listen and help.

Cultural Issues

There are many different factors that make up a culture, such as religion, language, and specific practices. In a society where being an immigrant, or where having exposure to different ethnic or cultural groups is not outside of the norm, this could also create stress among people, and also within an individual.

Low Self-Esteem

There are usually multiple factors within our lives that are negatively impacted when we have low self-esteem. Self-esteem is the attitude and the way in which we think about ourselves and subsequently, treat ourselves. It is also our capacity to acknowledge our strengths, value and respect ourselves. Self-esteem plays an influential role when it comes to reaching our goals, enjoying life, and having healthy relationships. The onset of low self-esteem can be different for every person, sometimes the cause being rooted in the environment, or an event. However, it is always an unhealthy, self-destructive habitual pattern of thoughts that we can learn to change. Therapy can offer the skills to learn how to challenge and change our way of thinking.

Life Transitions

Life is about change, and change can be difficult. Even when change is for good, it takes work. Many times, change can also mean the loss of things that have been important to us at some point. In the midst of a busy life, we do not always give ourselves the opportunity to acknowledge the losses that we experience, or the amount of emotional energy that we put into the transition, often leaving us feeling emotionally and even physically drained. Therapy can be a good opportunity to address those transitions and go on with our lives the least amount disruption.

Body Image Issues

It is usually not just one factor that gives the onset to poor body image, or a distorted view of self. Whether it is in relation to the influence (social) media has on us, or a habit of self-destructive and critical thoughts was formed as a result of being in an unhealthy environment, things do not have to remain the way they are. Therapy can offer the opportunity to identify triggers, negative thinking patterns, and give opportunity for new behavioral patterns and thoughts to be learned.

Anxiety, excessive worry, Panic Attacks

Though anxiety can have a genetic predisposition, it can also be rooted in the environment, in the thoughts that we may be telling ourselves about the environment (or situation). Sometimes, unknowingly, we fall into a pattern of negative thinking, worrying, which, in itself, can have a detrimental physical impact on our well-being, as this translates to our brain sending constant emergency signals to the rest of our body. Therapy can be helpful is learning the tools to change thinking patterns.

Physical, sexual, emotional, mental abuse
(children and adults)

Abuse is a violation of someone’s right to be safe and respected. It is a complex trauma, as abuse can have many layers depending on how it may have been, or is, violating to the individual. Sometimes in our lives, we walk into situations and relationships that turn out to be unhealthy for us in one way or another. Other times, we are born into situations and relationships that are not healthy for our overall wellbeing. Every survivor has their own story, and the effects of abuse are never the same on two different individuals. When abuse we have endured is not addressed, it can have detrimental effects in our relationships, choices and behaviors, reactions, mood, self-esteem, and other factors. Please also see Trauma section.


One thing I have learned through my work is that what is traumatic to one, may not be traumatic to someone else. A trauma is an event that makes a negative impact even once the inflicting factor is gone. It is as if that event keeps playing in our minds, and we continue to have an intense response. For some, especially children, a trauma could even come in the form of a horror movie, for others, it could come from witnessing a brawl, or being involved in an accident. Sadly, the possibilities are endless. Whether in an adult, or a child, the strength of a trauma can be lessened to the point that it does not have the same power over us.

Women Issues

Sometimes, for different reasons, it can be important for us to seek therapy from a female therapist. Research has shown that there are marked differences in the way women and men communicate and relate to one another. As a Latina, I remember having to explain to another therapist outside of my culture why a specific cultural practice was important and its influence on me. In a therapeutic relationship dynamic between two women, there can be a different and deeper understanding of things that women may experience.

Accepted Options


At this time, I do not accept insurance. However, upon request, a monthly statement can be provided for you to seek reimbursement from your insurance carrier.

A Leap of Faith

If you are currently experiencing any issues that are affecting your emotional and or psychological well being, I encourage you to please reach out to me. Together, we will confront your challenges, and begin a process of healing and indiviual growth. A better tomorrow begins with taking a 'Leap of Faith' today!

If you are in immediate danger, please call 911 or visit your nearest emergency room.


“We don't have to do all of it alone. We were never meant to.”

― Brené Brown