Therapuetic Approach

My Style & Process

Personal Style

As a therapist, I believe I have much to offer to my clients. Of course, I like to keep myself up to date on modalities and improve my skills so that I can better serve my clients, like many of my colleagues do. Nonetheless, I believe one thing that my clients benefit from our work together, is that I naturally have a calming presence. I have had clients (adults and youth), express to me on numerous occasions that they enter into a very calm state during our sessions, as they perceive me also as very calm. I make every effort to enhance this sense of serenity by creating a welcoming, respectful, supportive, and safe environment for everyone.

Therapuetic Style

My therapeutic style and approach has been greatly influenced by Carl Jung. One concept that particularly resonates with me is Jung’s suggestion of humans having a self-regulating system. In combination from my experience providing psychotherapy this concept lead me to believe that we, as emotional thinking beings, are constantly seeking balance within ourselves and our environment. There may be things (events, behaviors, stressors, etc.), that cause an unbalance in our lives, potentially predisposing us to the onset of depression, anxiety, unhealthy coping behaviors, disruption in our relationships, and others. Though many times we are able to overcome, other times external guidance and support, such as psychotherapy, may be of great benefit.

“I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become.”

― Carl Jung